by Eric B. Hare
“Tell me the old, old story,
unseen things above,
Of Jesus and His glory,
Jesus and His love;
Tell me the story simply,
to a little child,
For I am weak and
helpless and defiled.”
sang Kate Hankey many, many years ago, and in these modern times multitudes of
parents and teachers join her in her prayer for simplicity.
has increased. Scientists have discovered astounding intricate laws of nature.
But all too often these fascinating secrets have been couched in such technical
language that we common folk have seen but dimly beyond the high-sounding
words, and have therefore been robbed of the help and benefit that should have
been ours.
Not the least of these offenders is the science of psychology, which explains the laws of the mind and demonstrates how we think, reason, learn, and remember.
Not the least of these offenders is the science of psychology, which explains the laws of the mind and demonstrates how we think, reason, learn, and remember.
a young man in college, I studied psychology. But, in common with my
classmates, I found the study of purposive behavior, central and peripheral stimuli,
external compulsions, native impulses, facilitation, and inhibition hard
slogging. On the flyleaf of my textbook I copied a jingle that some wag who had
gone the same way, through the same course, had handed down to comfort those
who followed:
there should come another flood,
refuge hither fly.
all the world would be submerged,
book would still be dry.”
am ashamed to confess now the hard
feelings I had then toward the men
who wrote that book. But years later something happened, and I am now ready to
bless the men who worked so hard and spent so many years discovering these
principles, which, as tools in our hands, help us mold character, and, as
beacon lights, show us the way by which small feet may ascend the heights.
opened my eyes? Listen! Into our home, while missionaries among the Karens in
Burma, was born a little girl who at the age of ten months was smitten with a
severe attack of meningitis. For ten days she hovered between life and death,
and then while the boys and girls of our jungle school prayed earnestly that
her life might be spared, she rallied, and before long was playing around
again, but not as usual. We noticed
that she did not look up when we spoke; she seemed so absorbed in her play that
unless we walked right in front of her, she did not look our way. We commented
on this strange behavior, but thought it was just another stage in her
development. However, when she was fifteen months old, and not yet even saying,
“Dad—Dad—Mum—Mum,” we became alarmed. Her elder brother and sister had spoken a
number of words at this age. Could there be something wrong?
our furlough in 1931 we took her to Dr. Leslie Trott, in Glendale, California,
and after a great deal of careful testing and earnest consultation, one day he
called us into his office and told us that our little two-year-old girl was
deaf—hopelessly deaf! For a moment our hearts were turned to stone. Then we
heard his cheery voice saying, “Don’t shed any tears. Hearing is the least
necessary of all the special senses. With proper instruction your little girl
will be able to live a normal life. She can learn to speak and lip-read, and
you can be very happy that it is her hearing and not her sight that is gone.”
He filled our hands with addresses and booklets, and filled our hearts with
a month or two we had paid $100 for a preschool correspondence course in lip
reading, from the Wright Oral School in New York, and had begun what has turned
out to be the biggest adventure of our lives. As the lessons began to come, we
found to our surprise that the course was for the parents rather than the
child. It told us what to do, and then explained why. It told us what not to
do, and explained why. We discovered that we were studying psychology again, but
this time how plain it was! How practical! How easy to understand! In our hands
were the books; our home became our laboratory; our baby girl, the experiment
and the proof.
our little girl is sixteen years old, and has just completed her first year in
the academy, where she is holding her own with normal children. She can carry
on a conversation with anyone, and since obtaining a hearing aid, is teaching
her one ear that had thirty per cent sound perception, to recognize sounds so
well that she can now take music lessons, and is learning to hear over the
telephone. She has done for me what the learned professors could not do—she has
taken the veil from the high-sounding words and demonstrated the laws of the
mind, till they shine all the more brilliantly in their simplicity.
order that you might share with me the joy of applying these secrets of
psychology to the teaching and training and saving of your children and your
pupils, I have penned the following chapters and attempted to “tell the story
(Next week: “Secret of Power.”)
© 1973 by Eric B. Hare. Used by permission.
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