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Those Juniors

Part 1: The Story Simply
Although the secrets of the mind—how we think, reason, learn, and remember—are often taught in complicated, technical terminology, they can be taught simply, and provide a powerful tool to parents and teachers who are seeking to lead their juniors to Christ.

Part 2: Secret of Power
What is the true secret to power and success for those striving to influence their juniors for God's Kingdom? They themselves must have a living, vibrant connection with Christ—an experimental knowledge of the true Source of power.

Part 3: Vital Knowledge
To speak and teach with confidence, one must know what they are talking about. A knowledge of the Bible is our source of authority. One must also know their pupils. A knowledge of the pupil is the secret of applying the lesson to his life.

Part 4: Studying the Child
The are two ways to study a child: objective study and subjective study. Objective study notices what is observable from the outside; subjective study enters into a child's viewpoint, to see and feel and think like a child, through the process of introspection.

Part 5: Natural Phenomena & 
Part 6: More Natural Phenomena
There are certain actions and habits that are common to most children at different stages of their development.

Part 7: Natural Phenomena, Part 3
A teacher and instructor must take great pains to avoid the “specter of crude humor” in his pupils. Students are grouped into two categories, and within these two there are many variations. One must approach his class in a way that will reach and touch all students.

Part 8: Which Comes First?
You must capture both the attention and the interest of your juniors. Interest comes before attention just as thirst comes before drinking. A teacher must know how to create the right sort of attention and interest—in short, it is an art well worth practicing.

Part 9: Becoming Interesting
If you want the attention of your class, you must be interesting. By being interested both in the subject at hand and in the things your students care about, you will gain and keep your class’s full attention.

Part 10: Reaching Their Hearts
Juniors want variety. They want to be loved. They want to feel secure and appreciated. They want to be recognized. If you want to be successful, you must show by deeds, not words only, that they are important to you.

Part 11: Tricks of the Trade
In order to effectually keep the attention, a teacher or instructor at times may use attention traps—things that will keep the interest. Classroom management is an art: and absolutely necessary to avoid outbursts and deflected attention.

Part 12: Matters of the Mind, #1 & 
Part 13: Matters of the Mind, #2
Concepts, percepts, judgment and reasoning are powers that must be taken into account when teaching. Deduction and induction are the two great principles of teaching, induction being the more beneficial of the two.

Part 14: Tempting to Teach, #1 & 
Part 15: Tempting to Teach, #2
We can learn good things from bad people. Learning the art of tempting children to good is an effectual way of bringing them into submission to Christ. By the thoughts, one can induce themselves to do something so strongly that the urge cannot be resisted. When applied for good, this is an invaluable skill.

Part 16: The Law of Substitution
There are different types of ideas. Contrary ideas are part of what forms the law of substitution, which can be employed to influence children to a higher standard of thinking and reasoning—and eventually, behaving.

Part 17: Pursuing the Practical, #1
Part 18: Pursuing the Practical, #2, & 
Part 19: Pursuing the Practical, #3
If you want to have the greatest amount of power through influencing (or tempting) your children/students to do good and be good, you must pursue the practical.

Part 20: Concrete Correction
A big part of being a teacher or a parent is discipline. Children need consistent, persistent discipline; not unfair, not given in anger; but discipline that will actually punish and make an impression on them.

Part 21: Steps to Success
There are steps to dealing with classroom difficulties. These steps are clearly demonstrated in Christ’s dealings with the seven churches in Revelation. No one is all bad.

Part 22: Winding Them Up Right
To have the desired effect on a misbehaving child is not hard. You must work by strategy; build them up, identify with them, and gently correct them. Once this is done, they will be compelled by their own desire to be good.

Part 23: Three Judges
There is a difference between the will power, the won’t power, and the want power. Self-control is absolutely necessary, and is accomplished in a great part by the three judges.

Part 24: Arbiter of Destiny
Everyone has innate instincts. These instincts cannot be allowed to run wild, nor can they be repressed without ill consequences. Instead, one must learn how to control them, using the three judges. The Savior Himself will aid us in this.

Part 25: Molding or Crushing?
The child’s will must be molded by careful attention and patient love. It is all too easily crushed—and all too easily neglected. Every child, no matter how small, can be imbued with a sense of right-doing and have their will molded in a right pattern.

Part 26: Willing to Do
We must study the mystery of the will—for only then will we understand the true power and force of the will, when applied for good or evil.

Part 27: Unfailing Springs
It is very easy to be misunderstood by our young people. These misunderstandings can be eliminated, however, by clear enunciation and accompanying gestures—things that will familiarize the child with what he is hearing. The teacher must be fit mentally, physically, and spiritually to accomplish his task.

Part 28: The Wreckage of Distorted Ideas
There is a great amount of difference between connotation and denotation. If these two concepts are clearly understood, the teacher will be able to help their students understand things better.

Part 29: The Echoes of Teaching
A teacher’s voice should be cultured and clear. Voice culture should be taught to students, as well. You can put color and feeling into Bible verses, or anything else, by using expression in your tone of voice. It can be beneficial to omit pieces of a passage that will cause distraction in class.

Part 30: Six Honest Serving Men
There are three kinds of questions that can be asked—some are more beneficial than others when it comes to teaching. Ask your students questions that will make them think.

Part 31: Ask Questions!
Streamlined questions will provoke more class discussion and interaction. Choose to ask questions that will stimulate your class to think. This week shows lots of really great examples!

Part 32: Powerful Patterns, #1 & 
Part 33: Powerful Patterns, #2
Patterns of how to reach the juniors and keep their interest and get them excited about Sabbath school.

Part 34: The Art of Application
While teaching the lesson is important, more so is actually applying the lesson to your class. There are five steps to arriving at successful application.

Part 35: A Better Man
Without the correct steps, a teacher may miss a vital opportunity of applying the lesson to his students, and thus not fulfill the extent of the good he may do for the children in his care. God wants us to be “better men (and women).”

Part 36: Windows
The use of illustrations that appeal to hand, eye, and ear are effective tools for a teacher, and will implant in the students minds not only the application, but also the lesson itself, causing them to remember it, at times, for their entire lives.

Part 37: Story-Telling Stratagem, #1
Part 38: Story-Telling Stratagem, #2
Part 39: Story-Telling Stratagem, #3, & 
Part 40: Story-Telling Stratagem, #4
Story-telling is one of the best ways to impress a lesson or point on others. There are many wholesome, true stories out there for all ages. When telling a story, there are certain things you must do: know your story, see it, adapt it, tell it, live it, feel it, and have a climax.

Part 41: Master Crooked Ears
An illustration of the way stories are found in life, and built into things that charm and stimulate to better living.

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