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In Touch

Dear Young Disciples,

During our honeymoon in the San Juan Islands, my husband and I decided to do something extra special: whale watching. Poring over a handful of brochures, we noticed a key difference between the tours: while all boasted of their captains’ experience, some companies guaranteed we would see whales—or receive a free voucher for another tour if we didn’t.

We chose a guaranteed tour, but I still wondered if we would truly see whales. How could one boat search the whole Puget Sound to find them?

Once on board, I began to understand. The captain explained that scientists closely study the resident orca pods—groups of killer whales (which are actually in the dolphin family) that live in the Puget Sound for most of the year. Each of these orcas has a name or number, and some have GPS tracking devices attached to them to help with the research. Besides, whale watching tour boats from the different companies communicate by radio. When one boat finds whales, they will tell the others exactly where to go.

To our delight, our captain steered us straight to a huge pod of orcas, and on the way back we sailed past a breaching humpback. The captain’s communications enabled him to fulfill the guarantee!

Many people scoff at the idea of knowing future events, but there’s something they don’t understand: Through God’s Word, we receive intelligence from Someone who sees the future as clearly as the present. God isn’t guessing—He knows. If we get on board with Him, He will guide us exactly where we want to go!

Seeking Him,

From Young Disciple magazine, Volume 23, Number 24.

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