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Lessons from Woodworking

When I was in eighth grade, I had the privilege of taking woodworking. At the time, I had neither a wise nor a willing heart. I wanted to take home economics—not woodworking. But since the school didn’t have a budget for both classes, the principal opted for woodworking. He assured me that I would enjoy the class, and that I’d learn valuable skills. In the end, I decided I might as well go into it with an open mind.

We learned how to do careful work while making our own workbenches. Nothing but the best was good enough! In fact, we spent weeks planing and sanding the surfaces until they were perfectly straight and smooth. Our teacher expected the same perfect work from us when we advanced to other projects—cleverly-designed bookends, serving bowls for our moms, and even small pieces of furniture. By the time I finished the class, I was much closer to having a “wise and willing” heart for working with my hands!

As it turned out, the principal was right. A couple of years later, I built a custom bed and bookcase for my bedroom; and when I went to college, I constructed a unique room divider that was perfect for our dorm room. I was amazed at how God had multiplied my abilities!

He’s like that, isn’t He? When we offer Him the little bit that we have, He works in us to do things we never imagined possible. And not just with talents like woodworking or sewing. Give Him your heart—and just see what He’ll do!

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