One of the worst was Broadway. That street seemed to specialize in evil. Everywhere you looked, garish neon signs advertised many kinds of vice and wickedness, inviting passers-by to indulge in sinful pleasures of all sorts.
Whenever we drove down that street, I always thought of the broad way Jesus described in the Sermon on the Mount. For those on this road, self is Number One. Their motto seems to be, “If it feels good, do it; if it tastes good, eat it; if it looks good, try to take it.” This may sound appealing, but there is a big problem: The result of that way of living is sorrow and death.
In San Francisco, we always knew when we had turned onto Broadway. The neon signs told it all. That other broad way may not be so obvious, but you can always tell when you are on it: Just ask yourself, “Who is first in my thoughts and in my heart?”
If the answer is anything but Jesus, take an exit before it’s too late!
Let’s meet on the strait and narrow.
Your friend,