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Of All the Week the Best: Peaceful Activity

This activity is best when done with a group of people. Each person should have a Bible with a concordance in the back. Other helpful materials would include a Strong’s Concordance, an Index to the Writings of Ellen White, and an assortment of Spirit of Prophecy books.

On Sabbath afternoon, after prayer, give each person a pencil and a paper. Tell them they each have 20 minutes to find out all they can about PEACE. During this time, everyone should work quietly and individually.

When the time is up, divide into several groups and go outside. Give each group about 30 minutes to build a diorama illustrating a text they found about peace. For those who have never made dioramas before, explain that a diorama is a small depiction made out of natural materials that can be found out of doors. Usually they are about 2–3 feet across, and can be quite creative. For example, acorns could be used to represent people, moss for bushes, rocks for cows, etc. If any group has a hard time finding a text to illustrate, you might point them to Mark 4:39, Luke 2:14, Isaiah 48:18, or Jeremiah 6:14.

When the dioramas are finished, the entire group should gather around each diorama in turn and try to guess what verse is being illustrated. At the close of the activity, ask each person to share briefly something special he or she learned about peace.

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