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In Touch

Dear Young Disciples,

One day during my devotions, I began to think about my prayers. Was I really getting all I could from my time with God? I felt sure my prayer life could use a boost. That’s why I began a Bible study on the subject of prayer.

To begin with, I found a binder and divided it into several sections:

• What to pray for
• Bible prayers
• Promises about prayer
• Dangers of not praying
• When we should pray
• Principles of prayer
• Postures in prayer

From then on, whenever I found a Bible verse or a Spirit of Prophecy statement about any of these subjects, I added it to my binder. As the weeks passed, the longest section became my favorite: the section on what to pray for.

Since then, whenever I review my prayer notebook, I am encouraged and humbled to think of the many blessings God offers me just for the asking. And I marvel at why I ask for so little.

Why not start your own prayer notebook? I believe you’ll find it to be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life!

Your friend,

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