Several months ago, however, a great storm swept over my house. The pounding of the rain against the windows soon caught my attention, and I went outside and stood on the front step. The clouds hung low and dull in the twilight, while lightening flashed across the sky and thunder seemed to crack the evening wide open.
Wind tore at the trees and tugged at my clothes; but I wasn't afraid. I stepped out a little farther, lifted my hands and face up to the sky, and let the rain soak me. When at last I went inside and closed the door against the tempestuous elements, I felt I'd left something precious outside.
I'm not so enthusiastic about some of the other storms I encounter. When I find myself in the midst of a spiritual or an emotional storm, I often have a hard time raising my hands to Heaven with a quiet and joyful heart.
But that's exactly the attitude Jesus wants to give me! Though all around me and inside me may seem to be in complete chaos, He designs to give me perfect peace—such a meekness of heart that I simply cast myself in His arms and say, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him" (Job 13:15).
I want that kind of peace continually. Don't you?
The season aunt Phillis Potts and Will Evert granted me an opportunity to read this magazine was the best time of my life, amazing piece Heidi very uplifting and may He grant you much more wisdom with which to paint the beauty of The LORD's goodness before men and angels.