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YD Staff, what do you appreciate most about God's mercy?

Will Evert: God’s unfathomable mercy means that I can wake up every day and know that God offers me mercy that will not only forgive, but fill me with grace to overcome any temptation that comes.

Janet Evert: My claim to God’s mercy is not my sin, but His goodness! What an infinite mystery that God longs to shower me with more mercy than I can comprehend!

Kezzia Keener: God does not just forgive us once and then declare us guilty for all infractions ever afterward. Rather, He is always ready to forgive, to make us new, and to draw us ever closer to Himself.

Tony Evert: When a king or a governor grants mercy, it seems random—some people get mercy and others don’t. God’s mercy is different. Knowing this helps me come with confidence to “the throne of grace” so that I can find mercy and grace in my time of need (Hebrews 4:16).

Ted Evert: I appreciate God’s mercy because it has a special power to soften my heart as I behold the multitude of undeserved blessings God rains down on me.

Cheyenne Reiswig: It seems relatively easy to grant mercy to people who didn’t know any better. What’s amazing about God is that He mercifully forgives people who chose to be selfish, hurt someone, or do something wrong on purpose. I’ve done that at times, which tells me I don’t deserve His mercy. I’m so thankful He gives it anyway!

Jessica Pendleton: Because of God’s mercy, I have the opportunity to exchange my wicked, selfish heart for one just like His—one that loves truth, holiness, and mercy. By agreeing to this exchange, I can experience unbroken communion with the Prince of life. My life then becomes a beautiful tribute to the mercy of a kind, loving God.

Rafael Kopke: God in mercy went so far as to send Jesus as a man to die for my redemption. I can’t fully comprehend it, but what I appreciate is that He did it. He died my death so that I can live eternally.

Heidi Reinecke: I am so thankful that God’s mercy allows me to try again. When I have filled a day with failings, His mercy allows me to come to the throne of grace, be cleansed, and look forward to tomorrow, fresh with no mistakes in it.

Do you have a question for the YD staff to answer? If so, leave a comment below!

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