I fought the urge to speed as I headed toward the ferry loading ramp. I needed to catch this ferry in order to make my appointment in Spokane, but I’d had some unavoidable delays. Now, a glance at the clock told me I had almost no chance of making it. Worse yet, my gas gauge panel flashed: 30 miles to empty! Saying a quick prayer that God would delay the ferry and help me make it to the next gas station about 30 miles away, I continued on my way. When I pulled up at the ferry ramp—seven minutes late—the ferry was still there! The moment my vehicle came to a stop, the attendant closed the gate and the ferry pushed off. I had made it, praise God!
After leaving the ferry, I began the trip over the beautiful Addy-Gifford road. Suddenly, a piece of white metal on the side of the road caught my eye. It looked familiar, so I stopped to investigate. Sure enough, it was an important part that had come off my trailer on a previous trip! I gratefully thanked God for the unexpected blessing and continued.
I drove as efficiently as possible, but the mountain road consumed the fuel much faster than the vehicle had calculated. Soon the gauge read, “0 miles to empty”—and I still had five miles to go. I drove those last five miles on empty, and as I pulled into the gas station, I couldn’t help but praise God for the third unexpected and undeserved blessing. Do you think anyone could convince me that God doesn’t care for His children? Not a chance!
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