If you’re reading in disbelief, I can identify. By the time I was about 12 years old, I was doing a major share of the family’s cooking, cleaning, and laundry. My mom needed to put most of her time and energy into earning a living for our family, and my younger brothers hadn’t developed an appreciable work ethic. I had a rare and special opportunity to minister to my family—but I didn’t always see it as a privilege. In fact, sometimes I felt life was a little unfair.
I wish I’d understood that I was sharing in the experiences of the boy Jesus. I wish I’d realized that there’s nothing better for mind and soul than looking for ways to make others happy. I wish I could say that my life always flowed in currents of sympathy and tenderness—as Jesus’ did.
I can’t go back, of course, but I can invite Jesus to be part of my life today—to fill me with His unselfish love for those around me. I’ve nothing to lose with such a program—and all Heaven to gain!
How about you? Who today could use a kind word and helping hand from you? Are you willing to give without reserve? If so, God will surely bless you without measure!
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